How to Calculate Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

Monthly Recurring Revenue is one of the most important metrics you need for measuring health of your subscription business. Recently I have done comprehensive research to find out how to calculate MRR. Although I have found so many good definitions but I haven’t found any practical one. In this post I will explain how to calculate MRR by using one of my favourite python libraries (Pandas).

What is MRR and How calculate it?

Before we start, let’s define MRR. Zuora defines MRR as bellow;

Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) is a dollar amount derived from a company’s total annual recurring revenue (ARR), normalized to a monthly value. In its simplest form, MRR is the money paid monthly for a subscription to a product or service. Properly used, it can provide valuable, unique insight into sales and cash flow dynamics.

In order to understand it better, let’s look at the following example;

A new $120,000 annual contract starts on April 1, 2016 and ends on April 1, 2017. The question is How much Monthly Recurring Revenue was added and when?

The answer to this question is simple, $10,000 in April 2016, specifically April 1, 2016. In other word; if no one else subscribe, the MRR form April 2016 till 2017 is $10,000.

According to the example, we need 3 parameters to be able to calculate the MRR;

MRR Calculation

calculating MRR for one subscription is clear but what about real world example, in which we have thousands or millions of records. I break the process into two simple steps;

1. Calculate total MRC for each day
For instance, if you want to generate report form 1 Jan 2015 till 30 Dec 2015, we need to calculate (TMRC) total sum of MRC for every day of the year.

date TMRC
01 Jan 2015 $180
02 Jan 2015 $240
03 Jan 2015 $590
27 Dec 2015 $2080
28 Dec 2015 $620
29 Dec 2015 $900
30 Dec 2015 $120
31 Dec 2015 $780

TMRC of nDate is equal to sum of all MRCs of subscriptions which are active and they started in the same day of nDate

2. Generate the report
Based on data prepared in step 1, we can generate two important reports;

Case study

I generate 16137 sample subscription records which you can download from here. And you can find the Ipython notebook of following codes here.

Let’s start to generate the reports with pandas and matplotlib.

Load required libraries

    import csv
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from datetime import timedelta, date
    %matplotlib inline
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Data Preprocessing

    # loading data
    df = pd.read_csv('sample-subscription.csv')
    report_start_date = date(2015,1,1)
    report_end_date = date(2015,12,1)
    # Data preprocessing 
    df.fillna(report_end_date, inplace=True)
    df['subscription_start_date'] =pd.to_datetime(df['subscription_start_date'], format = '%Y-%m-%d')
    df['subscription_end_date'] =pd.to_datetime(df['subscription_end_date'], format = '%Y-%m-%d')

Calculate TMRC for each day

    # Helper function 
    def daterange(start_date, end_date):
        for n in range(int ((end_date - start_date).days)):
            yield start_date + timedelta(n)
    # calculate tmrc for every day         
    for my_date in daterange(report_start_date, report_end_date):
        my_date_df = df[(df['subscription_end_date']>=my_date ) 
                        & (df['subscription_start_date']<= my_date) 
                        & (df['subscription_start_date'].apply(lambda x: ==]
        tmrc = my_date_df['dmrc'].sum()
    # Visualization
    dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num([x['date'] for x in daily_mrr])
    y = [x['mrc'] for x in daily_mrr]
    plt.plot_date(dates, y,'-')
    plt.rc('font',**{'family' : 'normal',
            'weight' : 'bold',
            'size'   : 40})

Generate Reports

since we have our daily MRR data, we can group it by Monthly or Weekly.

Monthly MRR

    df = pd.DataFrame(daily_mrr)
    df = df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date']))
    # group by dataframe Monthly
    g_df= df.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper("m"))
    res = g_df.sum()

    dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(res.index.to_pydatetime())
    y = res['mrc']
    plt.plot_date(dates, y,'-')
    plt.rc('font',**{'family' : 'normal',
            'weight' : 'bold',
            'size'   : 40})

Rolling MRR

As mentioned earlier, rolling MRR for each day is sum of daily MRR of past 30 days.

    rolling_mrr = [{
                'date': x['date'], 
                'mrc': x['mrc'] + sum([z['mrc'] for z in daily_mrr
                                       [0 if daily_mrr.index(x) < 30 
                                        daily_mrr.index(x) - 30:daily_mrr.index(x)]])} for x in daily_mrr]
    # visualization
    dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num([x['date'] for x in rolling_mrr])
    y = [x['mrc'] for x in rolling_mrr]
    plt.plot_date(dates, y,'-')
    plt.rc('font',**{'family' : 'normal',
            'weight' : 'bold',
            'size'   : 40})